Function Terbilang for PHP

I have a software application developing project. My boss asked me to added new features. One of the features is about translating money number to be words. Example: “Rp. 125.000” is converted to “Seratus Dua Puluh Lima Ribu Rupiah”.

Well, this time I’m so lazy to make the algortithm from scratch. So i decide to googling it. I found one here. It’s written using Java programming language and limited only to millions rupiah. I convert that code to PHP and make its limit up to trillion rupiah.

So this is the code:

[code language=”php”]
function kata($num) {
$angka = array("","satu","dua","tiga","empat","lima","enam","tujuh","delapan","sembilan","sepuluh","sebelas");
$temp = "";

$num = (float) $num;

if($num < 12){ // satuan sampai 12
$temp = $angka[$num]." ";
else if($num < 20){ // belasan
$temp = kata($num-10)." belas ";
else if($num < 100){ // puluhan
$temp = kata($num/10)." puluh ".kata($num%10)." ";
else if($num < 200){ // ratusan tapi dibawah 200
$temp = "seratus ".kata($num-100)." ";
else if($num < 1000){ // ratusan
$temp = kata($num/100)." ratus ".kata($num%100)." ";
else if($num < 1000000){ // ribuan
$temp = kata($num/1000)." ribu ".kata($num%1000)." ";
else if($num < 1000000000){ // jutaan
$temp = kata($num/1000000)." juta ".kata($num%1000000)." ";
else if($num < 1000000000000){ // miliaran
$temp = kata($num/1000000000)." miliar ".kata($num%1000000000)." ";
else if($num < 1000000000000000){ // triliunan
$temp = kata($num/1000000000099)." triliun ".kata($num%1000000000000)." ";
return $temp;

echo ucwords(kata(‘195000’)."rupiah");

Oh yeah, you can run that php code here.

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