Hal ini berawal dari rusaknya laptop tua. Setelah laptop tua itu rusak, intinya saya perlu sebuah monitor. Untuk apa? Kita lihat nanti untuk apa. Sebenarnya sudah ada monitor di rumah, hanya saja kondisi monitor flat itu sudah tua dan rusak, juga masih memiliki rasio 1:1 4:3 alias kotak, kurang nyaman untuk ngoding. Skip skip. Akhirnya seperti
Kategori: Code
Finally… Private SVN Server
Buat para penggiat koding atau programmer pasti udah ga asing sama istilah SVN atau GIT. Yap, itu merupakan salah dua dari managemen repositori. Apa itu repositori? silahkan googling :)) Intinya adalah alat untuk mengatur dan mengelola file bersama melalui penggunaan versi. Berikut penjelasan dari Wikipedia: Apache Subversion (often abbreviated SVN, after the command name svn)
Java OOP: Case Presence / Absensi
Okay, this is my freetime works (although there are many task to be done 😛 ). So this is about presence of student in a class. This code was made by me using Java OOP. In this OOP, I made 4 classes: Mhs Class This class is about Student itself. Contain 2 attibutes: name and
Multiplication and Division without ‘*’ and ‘/’ in Java
Okay, so I feel challenged to solve this problem. The problem is how to make program that can calculate multiplication and division without using ‘*’ and ‘/’ as usual. This is about algorithm and math of course. At first, I think about multiplication. It can be calculate using increased looping (number 1 is added by
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Function Terbilang for PHP
I have a software application developing project. My boss asked me to added new features. One of the features is about translating money number to be words. Example: “Rp. 125.000” is converted to “Seratus Dua Puluh Lima Ribu Rupiah”. Well, this time I’m so lazy to make the algortithm from scratch. So i decide to